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6th International Congress of the European Society for Soil Conservation - Καινοτόμες Στρατηγικές και Πολιτικές για τη Συντήρηση των Εδαφών

Αναζήτηση Θέματος

6th International Congress of the European Society for Soil Conservation “Innovative Strategies and Policies for Soil Conservation”.

Thessaloniki, Greece, 9-14 May 2011.

European Society for Soil Conservation (E.S.S.C.) under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Rural Development and Food and the National Agricutltural Research Foundation.

Congress Thematic Sessions:
  • Policies and thematic strategies for soil protection
  1. Strategies for protection of soil organic matter
  2. Policies for enhancing soil biodiversity
  3. Reduction of soil sealing and compaction
  4. Maintainnce of soil structure
  5. National and regional action plans for soil protection
  6. CAP and agro environmental measures
  • Forest fires impacts on natural resources and cultural heritage
  1. Fire management systems
  2. fires and biodiversity
  3. fires and changes in the bio chemical and physical soil properties
  4. monitoring of the impact of forest fires on air quality
  5. information systems for public awareness about forest fire forecasting
  6. post-fire management model to improve forest resilience
  7. forest landscape restoration after fires, erosion control measures
  8. fire effects on hydrology
  9. soil recovery after forest fires
  10. scientific results and effective policies for restoration
  • Sustainable management of wetlands and drylands
  1. Utilisation of peatlands (energy, horticulture, e.t.c.)
  2. chemical, physical and biological properties of peatlands
  3. peat material used for improvement of soils
  4. restoration and rehabilitation of peatlands
  5. ecology and management on forested peatlands
  6. the carbon cycle in peatlands - gaseous nitrogen losses
  7. peatlands and socio-economic aspects of utilisation
  8. policies for mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from peat soils
  9. socio-economic aspects of land degradation
  10. simulation models in sustainable land management.
  • Soil and water management under global climatic change senarios
  1. Technology to mitigate the exhaustion and contamination of water resources
  2. monitoring of drought
  3. drought and water quality
  4. impacts of drought to climate change
  5. policies and actions for mitigation of water deficit
  6. sources of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions
  7. nitrogen cycle and its influence on the greenhouse gas balance
  8. methods and practices for decreasing emissions from soils
  9. nitrogen turnover processes and effects in in the atmosphere terrestrial ecosystems
  10. effect of reactive nitrogen on European soil quality and approaches to better nitrogen management
  11. biofuels of new generation and environmental effects
  • Conservation and Management of Soil Biodiversity
  1. Biodiversity and agriculture interactions
  2. conservation of Soil Biodiversity and Sustainable Agriculture
  3. biodiversity of microorganisms involved in decomposition in soils
  • Restoration and remediation of degraded lands - Education in soil conservation and public awareness
  1. Restoration at high altitudes
  2. restoration of road embankments
  3. restoration of open cast mining areas
  4. soil restoration with native plant and seed material
  5. bioremediation of soils contaminated with heavy metals
  6. bioremediation of soils contaminated with organic compounds
  7. importance of soil for life and its role to society
  8. education methods and formats across European Countries
  9. development of multidisciplinary studies for students in the field, using new technologies to schools
  10. means of the soil scientific community reaching the public (i.e. debates, exhibitions, mass media, art, games).

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